Confluence Competition

CoCo 2024


11 July 2024   results announced
9 July 2024   live competition, slides
27 June 2024   test run concluded
10 June 2024   participating tools added
5 June 2024   final call for tools
2 February 2024   panel members announced
17 January 2024   problem submission opened
22 December 2023   competition categories announced
19 December 2023   location of CoCo 2024 is fixed
10 December 2023   web site created


This site lists relevant information for the 13th Confluence Competition. CoCo 2024 will run live during IWC 2024, the 13th International Workshop on Confluence, which is scheduled to collocate with FSCD 2024 in July 2024 in Tallinn, Estonia. CoCo 2024 will adopt the new ARI format for input problems.


problem submission 31 May 2024
tool registration   7 June 2024
tool description   14 June 2024
tool submission 19 June 2024
test run completed 27 June 2024
tool repair deadline 1 July 2024
secret problem submission   2 July 2024
competition 9 July 2024


In 2024 there will be a new category for confluence of logically constrained rewrite systems. The complete list of categories is available.

Problem Submission

Problems submitted by May 31, 2024 (via the ARI submission interface) will be considered for CoCo 2024.

Tool Registration

Tool registration is done through EasyChair. Please enter the tool name in the title field, the tool contributors as authors, and the participating categories (choose from COM, CSR, CTRS, GCR, INF, LCTRS, NFP, SRS, TRS, UNC, UNR) as well as a link to the website of the tool in the abstract field. The strict deadline for tool registration is June 7, 2024. Please subscribe to the CoCo mailing list to be informed about the competition.

Tool Description

Tool authors are invited to submit a one-page (excluding references of at most one additional page) system description. System descriptions will be included in the proceedings of IWC 2024 and typically highlight the distinctive features of the tool. Please submit a single latex file in EasyChair latex style. The strict deadline for tool description is June 14, 2024.

Tool Submission

CoCo 2024 will run live on StarExec and so tools must be able to run on it. Submission instructions are available. Please contact the CoCo SC in case of installation problems. Tools will have 60 seconds access to a single node of StarExec for each problem. After the submission deadline, tools will be tested on a few sample problems.


CoCo 2024 is overseen by a panel of knowledgeable experts who are not participating in the competition: