0.00/0.01 YES 0.00/0.01 Did not drop rules. 0.00/0.01 Inlined conditions for 0 rules. 0.00/0.01 Left-inlined conditions for 0 rules. 0.00/0.01 Due to Ifrit-method removed 2 infeasible rules: 0.00/0.01 f(c(x),c(c(y))) -> a(a(x)) 0.00/0.01 | c(f(x,y)) ->* c(a(b())) 0.00/0.01 f(c(c(c(x))),y) -> a(y) 0.00/0.01 | c(f(c(x) 0.00/0.01 ,c(c(y)))) ->* c(a(a(b()))) 0.00/0.01 Removed 0 redundant rules. 0.00/0.01 INFEASIBLE because 0.00/0.01 0.00/0.01 problem obtained from input 0.00/0.01 is proven infeasible 0.00/0.01 using TCAP on 0.00/0.01 |(c(f(c(c(x1)),y)) 0.00/0.01 ,c(f(c(x1) 0.00/0.01 ,c(c(c(c(y))))))) ->* |(c(a(b())) 0.00/0.01 ,c(a(a(b())))) 0.00/0.01 0.00/0.01 where | is used as a fresh function symbol, since it is illegal in the input format. 0.00/0.01 EOF