As in previous years submission is by uploading your solver to its corresponding subspace of the 'CoCo 2020 tool submission' space. All tool authors (as indicated on EasyChair) that are members of the Confluence community on StarExec will be added to the spaces for their tools. If you do not have a StarExec account (or are not a member of the Confluence community) but need to submit, please register soon and request membership in the Confluence community, so we can add you to the space of your tool. The easiest way to submit your solver to its space is to upload it in a single archive containing the following files: bin/ -- directory containing the executables needed by your solver bin/my_tool bin/starexec_run_default -- the wrapper script that calls your tool starexec_description.txt -- a short description of your tool Please note that the contents must not be contained in an additional folder, that is, the archive needs to extract to bin/my_tool as opposed to mytool/bin/my_tool. See for more information on uploading solvers to StarExec. If you registered for multiple categories and need to use your tool with different configurations you can either add multiple bin/starexec_run_config wrapper scripts or upload multiple solvers. In any case please indicate in the description the intended category for each solver/configuration. In case you registered for the CPF category you will also need to upload a solver that provides a combination of tool and certifier. To this end please use a wrapper script that first calls the tool on the problem and then passes the proof to the certifier. Please upload this combined solver to the corresponding + submission space. Tool submission will be open until June 10 (AoE).