====================================================================== First Call for Provers CoCo 2018 7th Confluence Competition the week of July 7-12, 2018 Oxford, United Kingdom http://coco.nue.ie.niigata-u.ac.jp/2018/ ====================================================================== Confluence provides a general notion of determinism and has been conceived as one of the central properties of rewriting. Confluence had been investigated in several formalisms of rewriting such as first-order rewriting, lambda-calculi, higher-order rewriting, constrained rewriting and conditional rewriting. In recent years the focus in confluence research has shifted towards the development of automatable techniques for confluence proofs. The confluence competition aims to foster the development of techniques for proving/disproving confluence automatically by setting up a dedicated competition among confluence tools. The 7th Confluence Competition (CoCo 2018) will run ***live*** during the 3rd International Conference on Formal Structures for Computation and Deduction (FSCD 2018), or the 7th International Workshop on Confluence (IWC 2018) in Oxford, United Kingdom. The following categories will be run: * TRS: confluence of first-order term rewrite systems * CTRS: confluence of conditional term rewrite systems * CPF: certification * HRS: confluence of higher-order term rewrite systems * GCR: ground confluence of many-sorted term rewrite systems * UN: unique normal form properties of first-order term rewrite systems Besides these categories, new categories will be considered if there are tools and problems dedicated to those categories. We welcome requests for categories. Demonstration categories are for demonstrating new attempts and/or merits of particular tools. Submissions of new confluence problems are also welcome. For more information including examples of new categories to be considered, platforms, competition rules and problems, see the webpage of CoCo 2018 indicated above. IMPORTANT DATES: * request for competition categories January 28, 2018 * request for demonstration categories April 29, 2018 * tool registration June 14, 2018 * tool submission June 24, 2018 * problem submission June 28, 2018 * competition TBA (the week of July 7-12), 2018 REQUEST FOR NEW CATEGORIES: Request for new categories is via the contact email address. Please send the following information at your earliest convenience: * category type (competition category or demonstration category) * description of problems and semantics (rewrite steps, confluence, etc.) together with adequate references * a proposal of the input format (if necessary) Requests for new categories may be rejected for technical reasons. SUBMISSION OF NEW PROBLEMS: Submissions of new confluence problems are welcome. Please use the web interface of Cops (Confluence Problems) database linked from the webpage of CoCo 2018. REGISTRATION/SUBMISSION: Tool registration is via the easychair. Every tool registration should also contain a one page system description. Tool submission will be via StarExec. ORGANISING COMMITTEE: * Takahito Aoto Niigata University (chair) * Nao Hirokawa JAIST * Julian Nagele University of Innsbruck * Naoki Nishida Nagoya University ADVISORY BOARD: * Beniamino Accattoli INRIA, Paris * Yuki Chiba DENSO Corporation CONTACT: coco-sc [AT] jaist.ac.jp